Urban Fiduciaries protect loved ones and their assets when there’s conflict and the need for someone who cares. Our commitment is to return balance to instability, to preserve dignity, and improve lives.
Urban Fiduciaries, a trusted private fiduciary practice based in Los Angeles, serve as trustee, executor, administrator, and conservator of person and estate. Urban Fiduciaries have helped many to safeguard and manage assets, care for loved ones, and navigate through the unexpected.

Our Services
30 min
Free Initial Consult30 min
Free Initial Consult30 min
Free Initial Consult
Note, rates depend on the task performed and range from $85.00 – $195.00 per hour, billed in 6 minute increments. Probate fees are pursuant to Probate Code §10800 as outlined on the California Legislative Information website. Click the following link for more information: Probate Fees
835 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500. Los Angeles, CA 90017
Mailing Address
Urban Fiduciaries LLC
PO Box 43065, Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 577-4599